About Peter

Elite Performance Physiotherapist 

Playing semi professional football,at 19 years old was the highest level I would achieve, with my progress halted due to a serious knee injury. With years of scans, operations and rehabilitation I decided to stop the pursuit of returning to football and instead help others achieve their goals.

Qualifying in 2010, I continued to build my base of knowledge at football academies, private hospitals. GP surgeries, organised events helping to correct body dysfunction, pain management and improve strength. I had a passion for a persons movement and the mechanics behind injuries, so I undertook a post graduate diploma in Sports and Exercises Biomechanics at Liverpool John Moores University. I use this knowledge to analyse injuries, their mechanics and severity which allows me to build a bespoke rehabilitation program for athletes to return quicker.

This build up of experience lead me to become Head Medical/Senior Physiotherapist at a Premiership Football Club for four years reaching a FA Cup final.

Since leaving full-time professional football in September 2020 I have been recruited by individual athletes, musicians and film productions to provide a bespoke physiotherapy/rehabilitation/performance services at destinations around the world.

The service I provide is moulded for the individual, club or production, taking into account the goals they want to achieve. This could be due to a reoccurrence of an injury, maintaining fitness or needing a management plan to be able to continue working/performing.


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